Friday, December 11, 2009

you can make difference.

I mean it, honestly and sincerely. Sometimes I'm in my bed and I start thinking of the people in the world that are truly starving or shivering in that very moment and my heart is broken into a million pieces. We have so much to be thankful for. The hot water that runs out of the faucet, the cabinets full of food, the closet bursting--literally of clothes. We have so much. The very clean air that you are breathing right now is a true gift.
So what do we do? When we imagine the people hurting, cold, lonely all over the world it is overwhelming. I also think of the people I read about that are neighborhood heroes, or world heroes and I think how do they do it? How do they have the means or the time??? I admire those people who say, I'm not going to let one more day go by, today I'm going to make a difference.

Kindness. We--all of us are going through tough times, it seems every check that comes in goes out. So kindness is a wonderful way to make a difference. How can you be kind today? Smile at someone at the bank, the drive through, or a stranger walking down the street. Say Thank you if you see someone cleaning a public bathroom. Have extra food from a meal, give it to someone as you come out of the restaurant who may not have a meal. Kindness can be so simple and so powerful.

This holiday season I hear a lot about toy drives, coat drives, ect, ect, ect...which are amazing and I'm so thankful there will be toys and warm coats for those who with out these drives would have nothing. I am so thankful, they will have their Christmas. What happens after though?

Right now I am working on a small project to help those in need after the Holidays. I want to make a difference. I may not have much but my 'not much' is a lot more than some of the people have who live right in my city. It's still in the works, but I want to make difference.

We don't have to be a neighborhood or world hero with huge acts to make a difference, but we can be a house hero simply by loving the people closest to us, like our family and working our way out to our neighbors and community.

** other small acts of kindness
buy a coffee or hot chocolate for the people who ring the salvation army bells at the mall
bake cookies and give them to your neighbor
call a friend you haven't talked to in awhile to say hello
tell your family why you appreciate them

small acts, make a difference. go ahead, make a difference and at the end of the day when you're in your bed, smile knowing you've accomplished something wonderful, you've given the gift of kindness.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Active waiting.

If you around me enough, you'll find out pretty fast I love to plan. The first thing I do when I open my eyes in the morning is give thanks for a new day and then start planning what I need to get done. I need the order. I love to put order to things. You do this first, you do that second, and then you can do this ect.

So what happens when we can't make a plan or we can make the plan but we can't actually get the plan in action. Talk about frustrating. This is for sure one thing I have struggled with and continue to struggle with through out my life. It is very hard to be in the 'waiting room' as I like to call it. Waiting to see what the future brings, wanting to plan but knowing right now, where I am, what I am doing is exactly where I need to be and I'm doing exactly what I need to be doing. Henry Nouwen says in one of his books that treasure we are looking for is buried right in the ground that we stand on. Right here. Right where I am, this is where my treasure is. It is hard for me to not plan and I'm not encouraging anyone to sit around with there arms crossed or twiddeling their thumbs but when you feel like you stuck in the 'waiting room' I encourage you to start digging into your own life, your own soul and your own surroundings to find all of the amazing things happening in your life even while you are waiting. Sometimes we want to bang on the walls, sometimes we want stamp our feet, sometimes we pace back and forth muttering to ourselves. We are completely unaware of our surroundings, the people around us, the opportunities that might be right in front of us. We are so focused on what we can't do, have or be that that we forget, we lose sight, we become blind to what we have going on for us in there and the now. I know it's hard, trust me. I have been in the waiting room many times. But your time will come. Your dreams will come true. Your plans may or may not come to pass but there may be a better plan, a more beautiful, awe inspiring, life giving plan. So dig deep, stop pacing and start looking around. You are blessed and your life is full of wonderful things. Enjoy them because maybe tomorrow you won't have them or maybe you will, whatever the case may be look around enjoy and be thankful. Continue to dream, always hope and Enjoy your life right now, there is always a reason to give thanks.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

no secret

It is no secret that we women are complicated creatures! We feel happy when it is sunny,when then sun goes behind the clouds for a moment we are sad but then it comes back a minute later and we are ok once again. We feel very deeply. We cry when we see a sad commercial on the tv, we jump up and down literally when a friend tells us they are getting married, we get angry, we get frustrated, we get everything really. We are tough and we are sensitive. We are every oxymoron in the book. We can be so kind and generous and lets be honest we can be bitchy too. We can be nasty and we can be absolutely selfless. We sincerely wonder why men don't get us. Why did he say that when he knows my friend has a friend who had the same thing happen to her? Why did he buy that when I hinted 3 months that I wanted this. We are sometimes clueless but we are incredibly in tune to every interest, tension, and gesture happening in the room. We listen, we care, we want is best for our loved ones. We have big dreams. We are intelligent. We do not give up easily when we really want something, especially things like ice cream, shoes, and sun glasses. We are jealous and protective. Why does she say your name like that? Like what? Like all high piched and flirty...She does?

Men, I write this for you, so you know, so the next time she bursts into tears because she sees the cute commercial, the one with puppies and toilet paper, you can just hold her hand or laugh to yourself but you'll understand, you'll get it. Women I write this for you so you can laugh too, relax, and no matter how crazy you may feel like you are sometimes, there is another woman out there even crazier than you.
Be who you are, love who you are, you are amazing.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

a window....

I sit in the 4th seat to back in the 3rd row, I hear the clock ticking, the person 2 seats over has had the sniffles for days, there are sirens outside, the teacher is talking about angles, I think anyway...I am excited for soccer practice, did I remember shin gards? I hope so...Someone starts nervously shaking their leg one seat in front of me the left. why are they nervous? why do they do that? now the teacher is measuring. I ask the person next to me what number we are on. The teacher looks over her shoulder to see why we are talking. I make a face and pretend like I'm focused. I wonder what we'll have for dinner, and if I'll have time to do my homework after lunch. Most kids like to play during lunch, I'd rather get my work done. The clock is ticking, ticking. It is so annoying to me. Why do they have to tick. 5 more minutes till I'm free. The teacher is calling on me, I have no clue what number we are on, or where we are or what we are doing. I squirm. I look down into my paper begging for it to tell me where we are on the page. My friend next to me says 16. I make a wild guess of 45' but its really 90 and its obvious but I have no clue. She calls on someone else. thank god. It is everything and it is nothing that catch my attention. I want to keep up, I want to be like her or like him. I want to be there too. ok, thats it for today. I write down the homework, I check it three times to make sure its right. I pack up. I leave. I breathe.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sometimes you just have to say no thank you!

I heard that quote from Hiedi Klum on some interview. She was talking about how she has the body she has with 3 kids. She was saying its tough always being on the go, with meetings, photo shoots, traveling, family, ect. I agree with her, sometimes you just have to say no. You have to make the decision to make better choices.

I am going to keep this simple, I am going to offer 10 easy choices for you if you want to maintain your weight, lose weight, or just not gain weight in general!

1. Avoid drinking coffee, juice, soda and keep alcohol in moderation. These drinks all have a lot of added calories and sugar. Try to stick to water, milk and or all natural fresh squeezed juices.

2. Don't leave candy dishes out on the counter. It is so easy every time you walk by to grab a piece of candy and before you know it, you'v finished the bowl.

3. Avoid the frozen food aisle at the grocery store, anything you see there, you can make from scratch and a lot healthier.

4. start moving more! run or walk up down your stairs, buy a jump rope, take a walk at lunch, lift 2-5 lbs weights, you can use cans for weights if you don't have weights. If you can find the time to work out 20-30 minutes 3-4 days a week you will see a major difference. They keys are discipline and being consistent. Find a schedule that works for you and take it week by week. Make goals that are attainable.

5. don't snack while you cook. You snack and then you eat a meal, its too much! If you are really hungry grab some carrots or celery to eat while you cook.

6. When you feel like you are starving and want to eat everything in sight, make yourself a quick snack, like an apple with a little bit of peanut butter or grab a granola bar. Sitting in front of the fridge eating everything is a bad idea.

7. Eat!!!! Don't skip meals, don't starve yourself. Eat a good breakfast, have a small healthy snack like carrots, apple, nuts, have lunch, another small snack, and dinner and maybe even a little dessert. Starving yourself or skipping meals will only make you want to pig out later in the day.

8. Find balance, between eating, sleeping, working, working out, and family. There is a lot to do in 24 hours.

9. Sleep is really important, when we don't sleep enough we start to crave foods and drinks that will pick us up and give us energy.

10. No thank you. It may be hard to pass up that piece of pie or french fry but its good for you, you'll be so proud of yourself and happier too.

I think we focus a lot on how much we weigh or how we look in our clothes but being healthy too is more than just about you. Its about being healthy for the people you love in your life too. Staying healthy for your own kids and someday your grand kids. Its being an example to your mom and dad, brothers, sisters, friends and family! It isn't all about the numbers on the scale. Its about living full, balanced, satisfied, healthy life.

I am not expert but I am striving for balance in my own life. These are just some ideas that I have! I'd love to hear any ideas anyone else has too!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Crazy Runner Club.

7 years ago I would have told you I was going for a run but that meant a 20 minute jog and thats it. If you would have asked me 7 years ago to train for a half marathon (13.1 miles) I probably would have laughed at you. Then I met Alejandro and my life in many ways changed, but in the first year of our relationship I went from a 20 minute jogger to running races 6 miles long. He didn't stop there,  then he said one day, ok now, you need to run a half marathon! We did some crazy training in Guaetmala. He had me running up Volcanoes, crazy steep highways, and dirt roads up in the mountains! I wouldn't change it for the world, any of it.


I'm writing this blog today for those who run, those who would like to run, and those who just don't get why people run!

I run for those who can't. I run for those people who can't get out of their bed, their chair, their house. I run for them. I can't even fathom not being able to get out of bed in the morning and walk, let alone run. Running makes me thankful. There are moments where I hate running but then I remember. I remember the guy in Antigua who begged for money in his wheel chair, he had no legs, I run for him. I run for the kids who are sick in hospitals and can't run and throw themselves into the grass. I think of these people, when the hill is super steep or it is -3 degrees outside and I can't feel my face or when its 90 degrees and I can hardly breath, I think of these people. Their faces, their pain, their sadness. I run for them because they can't run and God knows they want to. So, I run.

 However, I will say I do not run for those whoe are afraid to run.
Do you want to run? I think a lot of people don't run because they don't know where to begin. The idea of putting on their shoes and going for a 20 minute run is too much. It doesn't have to be hard or painful to start. I'm not a pro at all, and there are plenty of websites you can find a plan on but sometimes it seems a lot easier when you hear it from a friend.

>For sure more to come...for now, happy running!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

No more excuses, really, I'm not joking.

A few months ago I began working on what someday may be a book about life but for now this will do....
If you are not completely satisfied with your life, you need to change it. You are given one life (unless you believe in re incarnation of course!)one small, short, fragile, incredible life. Are you content with your life? Are you happy with the people in your life? Are you fully satisfied with your weight? Your job? Your marriage? Your friendships? Your love life? We heard A LOT --but I mean we probably got an overdose of the word 'change' in the last few months. I'm sorry to do this to you--well only a little sorry. This is your life my friend, it is up to you to make it everything you want. If there is something you are not completely and fully satisfied with, change it. Change it. Do not wait for tomorrow, do not wait till you have enough, time, money or courage. We all know those things are hard to come by. Take your life and move it in the direction you want it to go. If you don't have the strength ask a friend to help you. Share your thoughts and ask for help! Just like the Beatles said, 'I get by with little help from my friends,' Its true. We need our friends, we need our family. At the same time we need ourselves. We have to dig deep. Really, really deep. Change is not always easy. It may not happen from one day the the next, but it can if make that decision. I want to change. I am going to change. I will help myself change. Will you help me change too? It means leaving an old life, bad habits, over the top expectations behind and going after what we want completely. People say easier said than done, and that may be true on some levels but if you truly want to change something, if you are not fully satisfied then don't waste your time complaining, crying, and feeling sad for yourself. Get up. Go. Do what it takes, make the sacrifices needed to be made. This is your life and you've got one shot to live it up, love and enjoy!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Free to be

I would like to tell you are free, you are free to be who you want to be. You don't have to apologize for who you are or what you think. You are free to share your feelings and you are free to stand firm in your own beliefs. It is ok for people to disagree with you, you don't have to please everyone. You can make your decisions freely without obsessing if 'so and so' is going to be upset with you. If we all loved the person next to us there would be peace on earth. You are free to love. You are free to be. Be excited to be free, be excited to fully accept yourself. Stop apologizing for who you are. When people tell you are a unique individual, its true, and that is a great thing. Sometimes you may feel like you haven't found your nitch or where you 'belong', but I promise if you continue stand firm in who you are,  you will find that place. You will find the place where people embrace you--all of you. You don't need to make excuses for why you are the way you are. Think about the things you like and the things you don't like and stick to it. You will find more freedom still when you can express yourself in confidence. It may take time, it may take a long time, but that is ok. Take the time, take all the time you need to find you and find your freedom. Your friends, your family they love you and they want to accept you but sometimes its hard for them accept you when you haven't fully accepted yourself. Its ok to be honest, its ok to say that you are struggeling. The more honest you are with yourself the easier it will be to move forward to freedom. You are free to feel. Don't apologize for feeling the way you do. Be honest, be true to your desires, be honest with the people you love. Stick to your beliefs, feelings, and desires. You are free. Keep breathing.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happily Ever After...

You dream of the dress, the time of year, who will stand next to you, the party, you plan it all. At some point we have all thought about it, some more than others but at some point we have let our mind wander, what will it be like? 
Marriage is a wonderful, delicate, gift that we are given.  There will be battles, joys, heart ache, and laughter! However it doesn't have to be complicated. Love each other. Respect each other. Don't try to change each other! If you think getting married will change the other person, don't get married. If you get married and think that having kids will make the situation better, don't have kids. Marry someone who makes you feel alive. Marry someone who pushes you to be a better person everyday. Marry someone who challenges you to do new things! Marry someone who can sit with you in total silence and you both feel comfortable.  Marry someone who loves you, both your good and bad, and doesn't want to change you, and doesn't expect you to change. Full acceptance on both sides is so important! Learning to meet in the middle is so important! Marry someone who you are proud of and that person is proud of you too!  Fight for eachother. The passion you had at first may not last forever, but the desire to fight for them will never burn off, never. There may be days where you want to chuck this person out your the car window. There will be days where you have no words because you feel so angry with them.  However there will be days where you wake up next to them and you think I am the luckiest, most blessed person in the world, I love this person. Remember when you first fell in love. Remember the moment when you 'knew', remember the good times, let the bad be washed away. Tell this person you love them every day with words but in your actions too. Buy their favorite candy, make their favorite dish for dinner, send them a random email of thanks, when they talk-listene. 
Happily ever after is possible? Is it? Maybe, but only through acceptance, forgiviness, selflessness, and fighting to stick together.  Not everyday will be happy but the happines--the joy--the love is there, intertwined, in all moments no matter how good or bad the may be. ©

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Everyone is invited!

Here comes another holiday....another time where we are forced to choose  to go to moms or dads or his parents or her parents....blessed are those who don't have to choose, trust me! It always comes up like this 'so what are your plans for___(fill in the holiday)?' and the usual answer, 'we haven't talked about it yet' as I wince from the akwardness.  I am fairly new to this choosing between parent thing though, after my parents divorced I left for Guatemala and we spent all holidays with my husbands family, thats when things were simple. Now, every holiday its this game of trying not hurting anyones feelings, trying to keep it simple, trying give my daughter sense family unity. Its a headache honestly. Sometimes I'd just like to say, 'we aren't celebrating or we are celerbrating just us.' No such luck. However, I have decided one thing, we will all celebrate together if they choose to and the rule of thumb  is, 'everyone is invited', if everyone comes that is up to them but everyone is welcome. Divorce happened to me, I never was part of the decision making, it has affected me enough, I will not allow it to take away the joy of holidays for me or my new family. So that is how it is going to be, for Thanksgiving everyone was invited here and everyone came and it was great. We sat on the few chairs we had and on the floor, it was simple, and it was a great time. Christmas my Mom went out West so we spent Christmas day with my Dad. Now Easter, everyone is invited, whether everyone comes that is up to them, but I have put my foot down, no matter the location, we are all invited. I spend the rest of  year deciding how to spend quality time, dividing my time here, there and everywhere that for these half dozen dates out of the year, I will not be pulled around. So if you feel like you are tired of being torn into, find a neutral ground and meet there. Invite everyone and stand your ground, its their turn to choose.©