Thursday, April 23, 2009

No more excuses, really, I'm not joking.

A few months ago I began working on what someday may be a book about life but for now this will do....
If you are not completely satisfied with your life, you need to change it. You are given one life (unless you believe in re incarnation of course!)one small, short, fragile, incredible life. Are you content with your life? Are you happy with the people in your life? Are you fully satisfied with your weight? Your job? Your marriage? Your friendships? Your love life? We heard A LOT --but I mean we probably got an overdose of the word 'change' in the last few months. I'm sorry to do this to you--well only a little sorry. This is your life my friend, it is up to you to make it everything you want. If there is something you are not completely and fully satisfied with, change it. Change it. Do not wait for tomorrow, do not wait till you have enough, time, money or courage. We all know those things are hard to come by. Take your life and move it in the direction you want it to go. If you don't have the strength ask a friend to help you. Share your thoughts and ask for help! Just like the Beatles said, 'I get by with little help from my friends,' Its true. We need our friends, we need our family. At the same time we need ourselves. We have to dig deep. Really, really deep. Change is not always easy. It may not happen from one day the the next, but it can if make that decision. I want to change. I am going to change. I will help myself change. Will you help me change too? It means leaving an old life, bad habits, over the top expectations behind and going after what we want completely. People say easier said than done, and that may be true on some levels but if you truly want to change something, if you are not fully satisfied then don't waste your time complaining, crying, and feeling sad for yourself. Get up. Go. Do what it takes, make the sacrifices needed to be made. This is your life and you've got one shot to live it up, love and enjoy!


  1. Good thoughts - my grandma told me the other day that her motto is if your life is intolerable change it! :)

  2. The hard part is sometimes things are outside of your control to change, that's where you lean on the Lord :)
