Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happily Ever After...

You dream of the dress, the time of year, who will stand next to you, the party, you plan it all. At some point we have all thought about it, some more than others but at some point we have let our mind wander, what will it be like? 
Marriage is a wonderful, delicate, gift that we are given.  There will be battles, joys, heart ache, and laughter! However it doesn't have to be complicated. Love each other. Respect each other. Don't try to change each other! If you think getting married will change the other person, don't get married. If you get married and think that having kids will make the situation better, don't have kids. Marry someone who makes you feel alive. Marry someone who pushes you to be a better person everyday. Marry someone who challenges you to do new things! Marry someone who can sit with you in total silence and you both feel comfortable.  Marry someone who loves you, both your good and bad, and doesn't want to change you, and doesn't expect you to change. Full acceptance on both sides is so important! Learning to meet in the middle is so important! Marry someone who you are proud of and that person is proud of you too!  Fight for eachother. The passion you had at first may not last forever, but the desire to fight for them will never burn off, never. There may be days where you want to chuck this person out your the car window. There will be days where you have no words because you feel so angry with them.  However there will be days where you wake up next to them and you think I am the luckiest, most blessed person in the world, I love this person. Remember when you first fell in love. Remember the moment when you 'knew', remember the good times, let the bad be washed away. Tell this person you love them every day with words but in your actions too. Buy their favorite candy, make their favorite dish for dinner, send them a random email of thanks, when they talk-listene. 
Happily ever after is possible? Is it? Maybe, but only through acceptance, forgiviness, selflessness, and fighting to stick together.  Not everyday will be happy but the happines--the joy--the love is there, intertwined, in all moments no matter how good or bad the may be. ©

1 comment:

  1. So true about the importance of not giving into the temptation to think that getting married or having kids will make things "better". Why are we all do tempted to think that way though??
    I suppose it's in our nature to look for the easy out and quick fix.
    Thanks for you thoughts. Keep 'em coming...
