Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sometimes you just have to say no thank you!

I heard that quote from Hiedi Klum on some interview. She was talking about how she has the body she has with 3 kids. She was saying its tough always being on the go, with meetings, photo shoots, traveling, family, ect. I agree with her, sometimes you just have to say no. You have to make the decision to make better choices.

I am going to keep this simple, I am going to offer 10 easy choices for you if you want to maintain your weight, lose weight, or just not gain weight in general!

1. Avoid drinking coffee, juice, soda and keep alcohol in moderation. These drinks all have a lot of added calories and sugar. Try to stick to water, milk and or all natural fresh squeezed juices.

2. Don't leave candy dishes out on the counter. It is so easy every time you walk by to grab a piece of candy and before you know it, you'v finished the bowl.

3. Avoid the frozen food aisle at the grocery store, anything you see there, you can make from scratch and a lot healthier.

4. start moving more! run or walk up down your stairs, buy a jump rope, take a walk at lunch, lift 2-5 lbs weights, you can use cans for weights if you don't have weights. If you can find the time to work out 20-30 minutes 3-4 days a week you will see a major difference. They keys are discipline and being consistent. Find a schedule that works for you and take it week by week. Make goals that are attainable.

5. don't snack while you cook. You snack and then you eat a meal, its too much! If you are really hungry grab some carrots or celery to eat while you cook.

6. When you feel like you are starving and want to eat everything in sight, make yourself a quick snack, like an apple with a little bit of peanut butter or grab a granola bar. Sitting in front of the fridge eating everything is a bad idea.

7. Eat!!!! Don't skip meals, don't starve yourself. Eat a good breakfast, have a small healthy snack like carrots, apple, nuts, have lunch, another small snack, and dinner and maybe even a little dessert. Starving yourself or skipping meals will only make you want to pig out later in the day.

8. Find balance, between eating, sleeping, working, working out, and family. There is a lot to do in 24 hours.

9. Sleep is really important, when we don't sleep enough we start to crave foods and drinks that will pick us up and give us energy.

10. No thank you. It may be hard to pass up that piece of pie or french fry but its good for you, you'll be so proud of yourself and happier too.

I think we focus a lot on how much we weigh or how we look in our clothes but being healthy too is more than just about you. Its about being healthy for the people you love in your life too. Staying healthy for your own kids and someday your grand kids. Its being an example to your mom and dad, brothers, sisters, friends and family! It isn't all about the numbers on the scale. Its about living full, balanced, satisfied, healthy life.

I am not expert but I am striving for balance in my own life. These are just some ideas that I have! I'd love to hear any ideas anyone else has too!!!

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